God isn't in the business of giving us exactly what we want when we want it (especially if that desire is self-seeking or materialistic). God is in the business of giving us what we need by transforming our hearts, minds, character and actions so they align with His will and desires for us—desires to love and serve each other with kindness, compassion and warmth. And the person we must start with is the one looking at us in the mirror.
The Why Behind Your Resistance
Resistance is a form of fear; it masquerades as something like procrastination. There are many forms of resistance but they all have one commonality: they stem from fear. Once we finally understand the root of our resistance, we can work toward facing the fears that have caused such resistance in our lives. With this new realization, we are empowered to work through our fears so they no longer remain the driving force behind our actions.
Blessings in Our Resistance
Our resistance in life is a surefire sign that God is trying to do a work in us and through us. Resistance is a form of fear; it masquerades as something like procrastination but at the core of your resistance is fear of something. Fear is always an indication of where (or what) God is asking us to step forward into.
Good Things Coming
When we expect good things to happen the likelihood that they will is so much higher. Our belief in the good things coming makes us a magnet for those miracles to find us. We can expect to experience miracles, reach resolutions for our problems, overcome difficulties and so much more when we believe life is on our side. When we trust God is on our side, life will reflect this belief.