Good Things Coming

When we expect good things to happen the likelihood that they will is so much higher. Our belief in the good things coming makes us a magnet for miracles to find us. We can expect to experience miracles, reach resolutions for our problems, overcome difficulties and so much more when we believe life is on our side. When we trust God is on our side, life will reflect this belief.

When we expect things to go well, believing that there’s always a surprise around the bend, God can more easily deliver based on our expectations—not because God is in the business of giving us everything we want when we want it, but because He is able to match our level of belief. While being content with what is and seeing the purpose behind our struggles is important, we can simultaneously hold onto hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Our level of belief increases our faith which replaces much of our fear, creating a pathway for God to send us the solutions we are not merely hoping for but anticipating. This pathway is formed via our beliefs; beliefs drive thoughts. The energy behind our thoughts creates our reality (we attract based on the positive or negative energy behind our thoughts). When our beliefs are filled with faith and hope and positivity, our thoughts will follow suit. We must keep on believing in order to cultivate positive thinking thus creating the kind of energy that will attract miracles, solutions, inspiration and possibilities to us.

This doesn’t mean we attach to certain outcomes; when expecting good things to happen, we need to remain open to a plethora of options available to us. This means we remain in high expectation while being open to the results. That includes how, when, where and who. 

We can be certain when we believe with all our heart and keep moving forward confidently in that belief (without worry and fear to paralyze us) that there will be a solution, we will experience the miracle (even if it ends up looking nothing like we expected) and we will survive difficulties. 

Sometimes the very miracle is the lessons, strength and growth that arise out of struggles. Our faith can dwindle when our difficulties do not evaporate as we hope they would. That is because they are being used to increase our faith, strengthen our character and prepare us for the next leg of the journey (with new wisdom in our pocket). 

We can manage to enjoy the journey regardless of what we are facing when we rely on an almighty God to carry us each step of the way, dig into our faith and believe with all we have that things will get better. That we will get better. And ultimately the good we are hoping for will meet us at our door likely disguised as something or someone we least expect. 

I leave you with what I’ve learned from my own belief: Unshakable faith and belief tend to bring us better outcomes than we ever expected ourselves. What are you believing in?