Blessings in Our Resistance

Our resistance in life is a surefire sign that God is trying to do a work in us and through us. Resistance is a form of fear; it masquerades as something like procrastination but at the core of your resistance is fear of something. Fear is always an indication of where (or what) God is asking us to step forward into.

We hold the most fear in the areas we need to move in because our ego knows there is much at stake—fear is it’s only prevention and preservation mechanism. God asks us to move where there is the most resistance because wherever the most fear lies is where God is calling us toward: into growth and challenge and blessings and purpose — all things that can only be found outside the comfort of our ego. 

The reason we know resistance is an indication that we need to move instead of freeze is because God knows that’s the exact area that will grow our hearts, character and strength, preparing us for our purpose on earth. To love more fully and deeply we need our walls of protection to be knocked down and removed for good so we begin to live as open vessels, allowing God to move through us, direct us and love others through us. 

None of that happens if we do not surrender our resistance and go forth into those unknown-albeit-scary waters that God is asking us to swim in. The great thing about God is He does not guide us to new places without first going before us to make a way. We can be sure God will stay with us as we navigate the choppy new territory we find ourselves in.

What I am certain of is that letting resistance clue you in to where God wants you to move will absolutely better your life and lead to blessings that could never be found in the known zone of our comfort.

We won’t move in that direction without befriending our fear and inviting it to journey with us; we have to move despite the fear because it won’t leave. If we wait until we are no longer afraid, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives.

We have to step forward in faith knowing that what lies ahead is greater than what lies behind; our fear is certain to keep us motivated when we understand the risk of staying small is far greater than the risk it takes to blossom into our greatest selves. We must ask ourselves: do we want the pain of succumbing to our resistance and staying stuck or the pain of growth and challenge that lies beyond our fear?

working with fear

If you’re looking for blessings and miracles, you just have to look to your resistance—therein lies your breakthrough. God does his greatest work in us through resistance since we get a chance to heal the biggest blocks, if we are willing to pinpoint our fears and confront them head on.

First, we have to identify the fear before we can take the next step. Once we have awareness of the core fear, we can confront the beliefs behind our resistance. Confronting the fear and naming it removes the charge—therefore the power it holds over you. We do this by accepting that, while valid (due to your past and resulting beliefs), fear is not going to prevent you from moving forward toward your desires.

Once you have identified and confronted the fear, the next step is to surrender it to God. Speak to God about your fear; admit that you alone aren’t strong enough to overcome it. Give it to God so he can work to remove its power over you and fill the space your fear took up with faith and new, supportive beliefs that back your true desires. Your fear will remain but with God in the mix and new beliefs built on truth, trust and faith, fear will no longer prevent you from stepping into what God has in store for you. 

Prayer for Healing: God, I am concerned about my fear of: ____________. I know that this area is where I am meant to make moves in my life, yet the fear has kept me from putting one foot in front of the other. Please remove the hold fear has over me and replace it with faith. Show me where my resistance is revealing your will for me and give me the courage to move in that direction. Amen.