
God: The Only Lasting Pleasure Ride

God: The Only Lasting Pleasure Ride

I am a pleasure seeker. Food became my main source of pleasure to escape a world that felt uncomfortable, difficult and scary—a world I didn’t know how to cope with.

I ate to numb the anxiety and the depression when I either felt too much or didn’t feel at all (and wanted to feel something). I ate to avoid the very big calling that loomed ahead. I ate to run from my inner world. I ate to bring a sense of pleasure that masked the harsh reality around me.

Good Things Coming

Good Things Coming

When we expect good things to happen the likelihood that they will is so much higher. Our belief in the good things coming makes us a magnet for those miracles to find us. We can expect to experience miracles, reach resolutions for our problems, overcome difficulties and so much more when we believe life is on our side. When we trust God is on our side, life will reflect this belief.

Suicide Is Not the Solution

As someone who battled suicidal thoughts, the only thing that compelled me to stay on the Earth at times was the thought of hurting my family by leaving. In those days, that thought (and the love behind it) saved my life. Since then, my faith, awareness and mindfulness grew exponentially; I could catch the suicidal thoughts as thoughts before I chased them down the rabbit hole and began looking at actions to end my life.