Take It Easy

Take It Easy

All week I’ve been getting messages from multiple sources to rest easy, to rest assured, knowing everything is always working out for the highest good (for myself and others). This is a belief I have adopted and use frequently, but worry and control can often overpower the sentiment behind the message—which is to trust that everything is working out (even if appearances seem grim) despite my best efforts to control things.

How to Move Out of Depression

How to Move Out of Depression

Last week we spoke about the sneaky feelings that cause those very bad, no good days; but what about the absence of feeling? I’m talking about apathy, a symptom of depression, when we feel nothing, care about nothing and want to sleep all the live long day. What I’ve learned about depression is there’s an antidote to apathy and it’s called action. Of course, action is the last thing we want to do when depression robs us of our zest. But it is also the solution to our apathetic state.

Fix Your Focus on the Solution

Fix Your Focus on the Solution

If we are focused on our problems then we can’t be in the frame of mind where solutions arise. Solutions arrive when we stop trying to force something to happen in the way we would have it and go with the flow of life. Focusing on problems is a perspective that finds what’s wrong with our situation, rather than what’s right or what could possibly solve the dilemma we find ourselves in.