If we are focused on our problems then we can’t be in the frame of mind where solutions arise. Solutions arrive when we stop trying to force something to happen in the way we would have it and go with the flow of life. Focusing on problems is a perspective that finds what’s wrong with our situation, rather than what’s right or what could possibly solve the dilemma we find ourselves in.
When we trust that God is always guiding, supporting and providing for us, we can surrender the need to control outcomes and open up to the many possibilities that are working out as we speak.
Just because we can’t see solutions doesn’t mean they aren’t on their way. God works things out on our behalf long before we see the evidence of this. That is why prayer and meditation are so important; they are vehicles to the divine perspective that reaches solutions and bring us to the expansive possibles within and beyond our reach.
Once we pray for the perspective needed, we must acknowledge the existence of solutions and give reverence the the powerful God that presides over the Universe.
When we know an all-loving and powerful God is at our disposal, we can relax as things unfold. That is the gift of faith. For without faith, we are more susceptible to forcing things into existence—an indication that we are leading with fear over love.
Right now, believe that things are working out and this faith-filled thought will bring you to the reality that solves any obstacle in your way.
This positive perspective affirms that things are not only working out but they are already solved. We simply have to stay in a positive, relaxed mind space while the answers are planted into our awareness.
Use these prayers to relax your mind and boost your faith:
God, I trust that you have heard my prayer and that you are guiding me to the very solution you have already placed into existence. Let it download into my awareness so that I may know what to do next for the highest good of all those involved.
All I need and require is on its way to me. Amen.