This year I choose blossom as my Word because it represents my intention to grow from the roots I planted as a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5) and build back what was broken through the vehicle of relationship.
I chose sprout in 2021 and later “expand” in 2022, though I successfully slowed down, I did not fully integrate the healing I experienced last year. Even though I expanded as my true self through a teaching career, and began to further embrace who I really am, I continued patterns that brought forward momentum to a halt, distracted me and kept me from the process of integration.
Move Forth as Blossom
Now, in 2024, I choose to burst forth after a year of healing, surrender, letting go, ending cycles and closing chapters.
As Anais Nin so powerfully said (and the process I first began in 2015 with Patchwork Heart):
And the day came when the risk to remain right in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to BLoSSOm.
~ anais nin
Keeping my intention from 2023 in tact, I plan to slowly unfurl petal-by-petal like my favorite rose. There is no race to blossom fully. I am running a race with the finish line at heaven gate.
Knowing that I am still gaining perseverance, strength and power for the journey – I strive for my character to continue to be developed as I continue my process of surrender. I desire for my petals to peel away from the tight and brace. I have been clutching through control. Letting go, for me is terrifying, especially in romantic, relationships and friendships alike.
The area I seek to blossom in first and foremost, is self love, learning to love myself, so that I can love others with more acceptance, compassion, and kindness. I’ve learned that starts with showing my selfies qualities. Then, I have greater chances to love others as they deserve and require—without conditions or judgment.
Healing happens in relationship
My goal is to grow most in a relationship, because I believe I have done the most healing. I am able to do alone. I see how I was always preparing to be in a relationship and surrender to the love I would receive. God’s love and blessings through another.
Do you not know? That you are allowed to love deeply, hurt deeply, laugh deeply, and live deeply. Where else will our roots go? Where else will our adventure find us? Where else can we ever hope to grow, but in the depths of loves.
~T.B. LaBerge // Do You Not Know?
I have seen how God intends for me to heal on a deeper level – my relational wounds – with someone who can tenderly hold my brokenness and help me patch back together what others have destroyed.
I still do not trust other people fully to stick around, or go rejection and accept me where I am. But I know as a nice says, I am risking far more if I stay tight, controlled by fear, and refused to let someone in to love me, as I believe and see they are capable of.
It will take a great amount of surrender to this process, and if I do not stick to a commitment and devotion to the power of love, I will never get to see the fruits of my dream to want to get married and have a family. My hope is that will allow me to finally received it is I have dreamt of, which is why I set my intention around my greatest priority: a Godly relationship.
I am excited to see how this intention will help my dreams to unfurl and flourish as I surrender to all God has for me this year.
May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.
~ 2 Thessalonians 3:5
I am terrified of what could happen if I risk the chance to be loved, like you love me. I see the blessing you have placed in my hands, and yet I am terrified of what could potentially result from this risk. Help me to see the potential in what you’ve blessed me with – and the possibilities held within it. I am trusting in you to see me through the process, especially when I am too afraid to continue on. Give me the strength to stick with this no matter what, and you keep my heart open to your will. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.