
Following a Ridiculous Path of Faith

I stumbled upon a woman of sincere faith in the elevator of a nursing home this week; it wasn't so much a stumble as it was a nudge. The elevator was going up; I was going down. I got on without the slightest clue that I was riding in the wrong direction. But God was only nudging me in the right direction.

GeorgeAnn had a red rose pin on her lapel; I knew she was someone I needed to meet. Along with pointing me toward a monastery in Littleton, CO and sharing endless facts about certain saints and sisters, she laid a wisdom nugget on me which I'm sharing with you.

Questions Lead to Transformation

Transformation invariably begins when we start to ask questions. These are the questions posed not by our Ego but our soul. I like to think of these questions as "whispers of the soul." While they start out as faint whispers, if left unanswered can build up in intensity like a snowball rolling down a hill. There's no stopping our soul from beckoning; we might as well turn toward it and listen.

The questions our soul poses aren't your typical questions; they likely shake up the life we have grown accustomed to, whether it serves our soul or not. But I have a question for us all: if our soul is beckoning—and its purpose is to evolve and transform into the fullest expression of itself—then why do we ignore its call?

Enough Already: How to Choose Peace Over Perfection

Let's talk about the concept of enough: good enough smart enough pretty enough skinny enough rich enough practical enough. There can never be enough it seems. We have this insatiable desire in this culture to be enough.

But when is enough, enough? Where do we draw the line and say, Ok, enough already? When have you ever said, "I am good enough?"