
Me Plus God Equals Solution

We are the co-conspirator of our deepest dreams: you + God = solution.

If we desire a positive outcome, we must expect a positive outcome by believing the answers to our prayers are already here.

Spiritual truth tells us that every solution we seek is already completely resolved; the only barrier that exists is us.

Following a Ridiculous Path of Faith

I stumbled upon a woman of sincere faith in the elevator of a nursing home this week; it wasn't so much a stumble as it was a nudge. The elevator was going up; I was going down. I got on without the slightest clue that I was riding in the wrong direction. But God was only nudging me in the right direction.

GeorgeAnn had a red rose pin on her lapel; I knew she was someone I needed to meet. Along with pointing me toward a monastery in Littleton, CO and sharing endless facts about certain saints and sisters, she laid a wisdom nugget on me which I'm sharing with you.

Love in Action

It has been one year since I had the blessed opportunity to discover the true meaning of Christmas. I have always been aware of the "reason for the season," yet it wasn't until I stepped away from the truth that I truly realized the deeper meaning of the "spirit" of Christmas: the kind that dwells within all of us, every single minute of the day.

On my search last year to rediscover my spirituality, it occurred to me that no amount of seeking outside of myself would ever uncover the connection I craved. I had been studying Judaism for the better part of the year, and in doing so got further away from my own truth. It was as if I listened to everyone's truth but my own. I have always studied religion and been involved in a variety of experiences outside of my own faith tradition; it was my way of understanding who I am by gathering a plethora of wisdom from throughout the ages.

Build a Bedrock of Faith

When our foundation is made of fear and ego-based thoughts, we are more apt to fall through the quicksand of life's eruptions.

After so many sinking moments in my life, I saw that I needed something to hold onto. Hope seemed to only settle my heart momentarily. Because ultimately hope isn't faith. 

Like Jim Carrey says, "Hope is a beggar." It breeds the same kind of fear resistance that our ego loves to hang onto, because it doesn't require any action on our part.