Faith, trust and expectation of God’s power, goodness and blessings surely sets the stage for miracles. By going it completely alone, we lose out on Divine access to endless support around us. It’s as if we are on the court playing against a team of opponents (let’s call them “life”) and we are trying to score. We could call in God and a team of Angels to assist us, but we may feel it’s entirely on our shoulders to get the ball in the basket.
Me Plus God Equals Solution
We are the co-conspirator of our deepest dreams: you + God = solution.
If we desire a positive outcome, we must expect a positive outcome by believing the answers to our prayers are already here.
Spiritual truth tells us that every solution we seek is already completely resolved; the only barrier that exists is us.
Taking Flight: My Journey to Live a Passion-Driven Life
Last November, I watched Elizabeth Gilbert's SuperSoul talk, Flight of the Hummingbird. At the time, I had a well of passion burning in my heart that was not-so-patiently waiting to be unleashed with fury. These passions of mine were dying to live, yet I had no idea how to give them life. Liz's words took that passionate drive within me and gave me the courage to curiously embark on my own flight.
My Epoch
I was served a very important lesson this week after I was struck by a very nasty and painful bug that rendered me weak and vulnerable.
As I fought many self-defeating thoughts that trickled in as the pain set in deeper, I remained calm and centered with self-guided meditation and detoxifying salt baths. I couldn't help but think this day of misery served an underlying purpose.
This week marks my departure from my full time job and the beginning of my journey as an intuitive healer and coach. I am certain the anxiety of such a drastic change in my path is part of the culprit for my body's painful process.
Our body senses energy (and the anxiety around that energy) before our conscious mind can. And so, with my transition came fears of the unknown as I chart new territory. Although my heart knows this is my path of higher purpose and fulfillment through service, the body and mind are intrinsically connected. My mind alerted my body of the impending changes before my heart could speak up.
As I awoke the next day feeling rested and renewed, I headed to my Naturopath's office for a checkup and acupuncture treatment (with the intention to restore balance and align my energy systems in my body). After having quite a spiritual conversation with her about my path and progress, I saw that every step I have taken has been for my highest purpose (even if I suffered in the short term for it).
I have focused heavily on cleansing my body and detoxing for the past month in order to be a pure conduit of energy and love for my next chapter (fulfilling the purpose God has called me forth into). I rid my body of toxins and mind-altering substances which I feel has only brought me closer to the path I'm seeking. The purity of love and positivity I embody and exude has literally changed my health as my body responds to the higher vibration of energy in and around me.
My doctor responded to this change in me and affirmed my path to higher well being and health. I have been on quite a journey to practice self care and attain healing in my mind and body; I went on a rollercoaster ride of neutralizing my self-defeating and fearful thoughts to changing my lifestyle to seeking a deeper connection to my truth and heart. I found a sense oneness within me that is connected to a higher source of energy and love.
As I pondered how far I have come, I couldn't help but embrace an attitude of gratitude for the blessings of my path and intentions. I could even be grateful for a day of utter pain because it taught me patience and kindness toward myself and allowed me to engage in higher forms of healing through meditation and energy treatments.
Every experience holds a blessing: I accessed high forms of energy healing so I may return to the conduit of Divine love I will serve as an energy healer and coach; I was able to surrender to whatever is trying to work through me (even if that means allowing my body to purge and rest). Finally, I am reminded to always flow with the river of life. Everything serves a purpose if we allow the universe to work with us (in love) rather than against us.
So, as I face a week filled with major life transitions, I encountered a license plate with the word EPOCH: the beginning of a distinctive period of history in a person's life. That I am stepping forward into an era that I have never known is an exciting yet terrifying thing.
This epoch is defined by my journey to answer my higher calling and accept my deeper truth. My body feels my fear subconsciously even if I choose not to succumb to everyday fear and anxiety. Knowing this, I cannot help but be patient and gentle with myself.
I see how this experience is really just a valley I am reaching on my climb to the mountain. I saw the top of the peak when I accepted this journey and announced my leave, but I feel the immense pressure now that I am leaving my job. I know this is just a minor valley in my climb. I had a heartfelt message come through the radio that lifted me up on my path:
We aren't meant to go through this life alone. We go through peaks then back through valleys to learn to trust in God and the bigger picture, so we come out stronger in faith.
Clearly my faith took a hit momentarily, but it will never be depleted so much that I lose sight of the purpose within my journey. I know for sure these three things: I am not alone, I have support and I will succeed in delivering my gifts to this world.
For now I'm going to love my body though these changes and give it every boost I can. I am worth it.