Don't like what you see in the world? Be the voice of a generation that is bringing Love back. Speak out against hate. Reject violence as the answer to divisiveness. Actual change starts within you. Never underestimate the power of one person to create a ripple of love in this world. I know how it feels to think you are helpless to effect change, but you are not helpless. You are a powerful being of Love created by God, who is pure Love. Love has the power to cancel out fear and hate.
Learn to Love Those Who Hate
I am saddened and heartbroken today over the acts of violence in Charlottesville. I sat with the news written on my heart looking for words that could overcome frustration and focus on love and social justice on a deep level. This is what came through when I prayed for the right words.
God calls us to love with compassion, tolerance and acceptance, so we must try to look past acts of hatred and violence to see a person that clearly learned to hate.
Self Worth is An Inside Job
When our self worth is staggeringly lower than it should be, we will go out of our way to prove our worthiness by trying to please others, help them, care for them or worse yet, try to fix their problems. Anything to get validation will suffice. But our true worth will never be filled up in soul satisfying ways until we begin to glean our validation from within.
The only validation we will ever truly succeed in garnering is our own. And we will not feel worthy of any such validation until we turn to the true source, God.
Enough Already: How to Choose Peace Over Perfection
Let's talk about the concept of enough: good enough smart enough pretty enough skinny enough rich enough practical enough. There can never be enough it seems. We have this insatiable desire in this culture to be enough.
But when is enough, enough? Where do we draw the line and say, Ok, enough already? When have you ever said, "I am good enough?"