Self Worth is An Inside Job

When our self worth is staggeringly lower than it should be, we will go out of our way to prove our worthiness by trying to please others, help them, care for them or worse yet, try to fix their problems. Anything to get validation will suffice. But our true worth will never be filled up in soul satisfying ways until we begin to glean our validation from within.

The only validation we will ever truly succeed in garnering is our own. And we will not feel worthy of any such validation until we turn to the true source, God.

God knows we are perfect, whole, worthy and lovable just as we are. And God also knows no ideal weight, or career successes or relationship will be able to make us feel worthy when we are already worthy without any of those things or achievements.

When our value comes from God and God alone, we can stop trying to kill ourselves to gain acceptance, worth or validation from outside sources.

Once that realization resonates deeply enough in our hearts, we might just begin to love and accept ourselves exactly as we are. And when we love who we are, we let our authentic self shine. There's no brighter light than someone being who they really are. We must love ourselves enough to show up authentically—not because we seek validation— but because being ourselves makes us happy.

When we are busy achieving or trying to be something other than ourselves, we rob our chance of being true to who we are. And we fail to see that who we are is good enough to be loved, valued and accepted just as we are.

The time has come to step out of the spiritual closet and be who God created us to be. That is the person who will make us happy. That is the person who can finally stop searching for worth anywhere but from the person staring at them in the mirror.

God made you to be glorious and you don't have to do anything to reveal this glory. You may have to remove all the beliefs gathered along the way that stomped all over that glory due to fears of inadequacy and guilt and shame. But once those beliefs are shattered there's nothing left to do but shine on with the love in your heart.

So shine on sweet soul just as you are—no matter what. Those who love you will accept you and those who don't should not have the blessing of being in your life.

You will be too busy loving yourself to notice they are gone.

While I build my signature 6 month coaching package, I would like to extend a very special, introductory offer to work with me now. This is your chance to reclaim your life, take care of your mind, body and spirit and find true joy, vitality and purpose through newfound self-care, self-love and self-worth.