Don't like what you see in the world? Be the voice of a generation that is bringing Love back. Speak out against hate. Reject violence as the answer to divisiveness. Actual change starts within you. Never underestimate the power of one person to create a ripple of love in this world. I know how it feels to think you are helpless to effect change, but you are not helpless. You are a powerful being of Love created by God, who is pure Love. Love has the power to cancel out fear and hate.
See Someone's Soul
I had the absolute blessing of visiting Denver over the weekend, a city that is quickly capturing my heart (along with a certain Denverite).
We visited Core Power Yoga for a session that my body seemed to not be having; the Denver elevation made for little sleep the night before and we had a busy day of sightseeing by way of bicycle. Nonetheless, I went in with an open heart and a determined mind. An hour of child's pose is better than no yoga at all.
I am once again convinced of the necessity to get on my mat, no matter how tired my body may be. The grounding and heartwarming strength delivered to my soul transcends any shortcomings of my physical body.