
Change Starts With You

Change Starts With You

Don't like what you see in the world? Be the voice of a generation that is bringing Love back. Speak out against hate. Reject violence as the answer to divisiveness. Actual change starts within you. Never underestimate the power of one person to create a ripple of love in this world. I know how it feels to think you are helpless to effect change, but you are not helpless. You are a powerful being of Love created by God, who is pure Love. Love has the power to cancel out fear and hate.

Questions Lead to Transformation

Transformation invariably begins when we start to ask questions. These are the questions posed not by our Ego but our soul. I like to think of these questions as "whispers of the soul." While they start out as faint whispers, if left unanswered can build up in intensity like a snowball rolling down a hill. There's no stopping our soul from beckoning; we might as well turn toward it and listen.

The questions our soul poses aren't your typical questions; they likely shake up the life we have grown accustomed to, whether it serves our soul or not. But I have a question for us all: if our soul is beckoning—and its purpose is to evolve and transform into the fullest expression of itself—then why do we ignore its call?