
What If...

God is a cloud from which rain fell. —Dejan Stojanovic, The Sun Watches the Sun

What if a hummingbird is God's way of telling us to soak up the sweet nectar of life?

What if God gave us stars so we can be reminded of his light at night?

What if the stars are a reminder to search for our own light even when we cannot see it?

What if a rainbow is His way of telling us to seek out his Grace even if we cannot see the end in sight?

What if our soulmate is God's way of ensuring we reach our highest potential?

What if His love, love for ourselves, and love for others is why we are here?

Look for God's signs of love, and when He rains down in sadness or jubilant joy, know that the result is love.

For we have to feel all we feel in darkness to return to the light inside.

—Karilyn Owens

I Am...

You are light.You are love. You are whole.

Know that you are perfect in this moment. Your past, your childhood conditioning, your relationships or your job do not define you.

You are a divine being of Light and you are Love at the very core. When you connect to the true nature of your soul, you will simply radiate from the inside out. You will become a beacon of hope and healing to all those you encounter. This is who you are.

So drop the dead weight and baggage you carry from your past, because you deserve to feel light and love.

Imagine a word you want to embrace and embody, then create a mantra around that word. My mantra today and every day is: I am light. I am love. I am whole.

My life coach, Sky Blossoms, advises in her book, Best Thing Ever, to write your chosen mantra or word on your mirror, at your desk or in your car (or all three), and leave it there for 30 days. Repeat it daily to yourself.

Notice the changes in you after the month closes; see the difference you feel in your mind, body and spirit. When we decide something and allow it to pervade our being, something shifts in our body. Our body responds to whatever is in our mind. So choose to believe and repeat empowering words to yourself often.

Our mind comes up with enough negative jibber jabber on a daily basis; counter some of that with positive reinforcement in your thoughts and words. Your mind will catch on and your body will follow suit in beyond measurable ways. Try it and see just how much of a difference this will make in your life.

Just Do You

If you do you and keep your basket full, you are bound to upset some people who want your time and attention. Do you want to give them your half-assed, spread-too-thin self or be sure you’re taking care of yourself first? Because the latter will allow you to show up with a healthier, more loving perspective and attitude. I promise you will upset, piss off or annoy certain people either way; you might as well take the time to make yourself happy first.

You may even inspire those less-than-pleased people to fill up their cup, too. If we all had fuller baskets, don’t you think we’d react with more patience, kindness, and understanding?

Wouldn’t we notice less what other people aren’t doing because we are too busy making sure we show up with our best self?

Some people will call you selfish, but you’ll know deep down they mean selfless. Every kind and genuine person on this Earth does a great amount of work to remain loving and caring.

Self-righteous, angry, mean-spirited behavior is the easy way out. It takes zero effort to be an asshole (if you’re already an asshole). And if something’s got you down-low, attempt to understand why you are acting that way by treating yourself with kindness and compassion first.

The world needs more kind people but you need to show up for numero uno. So, slow down before you show up. I find the quietest time is when I stir up more ways to be kind. It is also in those moments that I see why I haven’t been my best, kindest self—it is almost always because I am not doing enough for myself to maintain my full basket.

Doing too many deeds for others is a wonderful ambition, but it helps no one if you are depleting yourself to do it.

Choose to fill up your cup first, dammit.

What do you need to feel like your best self on a daily basis?

Courage to Be Myself

One doesn’t often dig into the meaning of a word, the essence behind it, or the root of the word itself. Brené Brown does this like a champ in her book, The Gifts of Imperfection. One word’s meaning stuck out to me more than others, a word that defines my journey to an open heart: courage. The root of the word courage is in fact heart (cor). Brené defines courage as the ability to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart. This might have been the single most vulnerable action in my journey as it was what I most struggled with in my downfall.

My heart was shrunken and shriveled, unable to reveal the truth it held deep in its shadowy depth. I needed courage like I needed air. It was every bit as vital as the breath I took to survive. Yet, when I reached down to sit with my heart and the truth it carried, I was frozen with fear.

Instead of courageously speaking my mind by revealing the truth in my heart, I gave into fear and stayed silent. The repercussions, it turns out, for stifling your essence and what you know in your heart to be true, is steep and as sharp as lies.

Although I attempted to be honest with myself, I shivered at the thought of allowing anyone else to hear the truth. Courage requires vulnerability (another of Brene’s choice words), a powerful act that most people deny themselves of. Allowing myself to be deeply seen and known by revealing my deepest fears and desires was my key to my open heart.

I understood that by owning my truth and setting it free, my life would certainly be flipped upside down, unrecognizable even to me. I had nothing left to lose, because had I not chosen courage and stepped out to forge my own path, I would have become a lifeless extension of someone else’s dream.

When the next step seemed crippling and petrifying, I found that choosing someone I trust to remain accountable with was critical to moving forward. My sister, also known as my “courage companion,” helped lure the buried pieces of my shattered heart by offering me a safe place to unleash the ticking time bomb in my mind.

Those shards reflected what I needed desperately to be heard. I unconsciously let out a statement that I had held captive for far too long. I began to feel empowered and realized through this process how badly I needed to release the grip I held onto the status quo.

It takes an enormous amount of surrender. It takes letting go of the life you held together like pieces that never seemed to fit quite right. It takes letting go of the life you live so you can live the life you imagine.

Allowing my most vulnerable self to be seen was my ticket to begin a new journey, one soaked in authenticity and soul. Had I not chosen courage and slipped further into a half-lived life, I could not have received the imminent blessings awaiting. I couldn’t have opened my heart to reveal the shining light of my soul. I owe everything to courage.

What stands on the other side of your truth is a multitude of freedom in your heart, soul and body. Whatever it takes to cross over is undeniably worth it. Whatever pain, life changes, paralysis, confusion and darkness will eventually be set on fire with the light of living authentically in your own truth.

Before we can let the light in, we have to let go of the darkness.