Just Do You

If you do you and keep your basket full, you are bound to upset some people who want your time and attention. Do you want to give them your half-assed, spread-too-thin self or be sure you’re taking care of yourself first? Because the latter will allow you to show up with a healthier, more loving perspective and attitude. I promise you will upset, piss off or annoy certain people either way; you might as well take the time to make yourself happy first.

You may even inspire those less-than-pleased people to fill up their cup, too. If we all had fuller baskets, don’t you think we’d react with more patience, kindness, and understanding?

Wouldn’t we notice less what other people aren’t doing because we are too busy making sure we show up with our best self?

Some people will call you selfish, but you’ll know deep down they mean selfless. Every kind and genuine person on this Earth does a great amount of work to remain loving and caring.

Self-righteous, angry, mean-spirited behavior is the easy way out. It takes zero effort to be an asshole (if you’re already an asshole). And if something’s got you down-low, attempt to understand why you are acting that way by treating yourself with kindness and compassion first.

The world needs more kind people but you need to show up for numero uno. So, slow down before you show up. I find the quietest time is when I stir up more ways to be kind. It is also in those moments that I see why I haven’t been my best, kindest self—it is almost always because I am not doing enough for myself to maintain my full basket.

Doing too many deeds for others is a wonderful ambition, but it helps no one if you are depleting yourself to do it.

Choose to fill up your cup first, dammit.

What do you need to feel like your best self on a daily basis?