Enough Already: How to Choose Peace Over Perfection

Let's talk about the concept of enough: good enough smart enough pretty enough skinny enough rich enough practical enough. There can never be enough it seems. We have this insatiable desire in this culture to be enough.

But when is enough, enough? Where do we draw the line and say, Ok, enough already? When have you ever said, "I am good enough?"

Build a Bedrock of Faith

When our foundation is made of fear and ego-based thoughts, we are more apt to fall through the quicksand of life's eruptions.

After so many sinking moments in my life, I saw that I needed something to hold onto. Hope seemed to only settle my heart momentarily. Because ultimately hope isn't faith. 

Like Jim Carrey says, "Hope is a beggar." It breeds the same kind of fear resistance that our ego loves to hang onto, because it doesn't require any action on our part.

How to Solve Problems

Problems sculpt us because they force us to grow. Our soul is here to experience expansion (or we wouldn't be having this human experience). If our purpose is to evolve into our true selves, then problems are imperative. Which is precisely why we must see problems as opportunities rather than set backs.

Opportunities to gain deeper understanding of ourselves and others, opportunities to practice forgiveness on ourselves and others, opportunities to rise beyond limiting belief systems and old patterns. And in the case of today's post: opportunities to deepen our spiritually.

The Legacy of Leadership

I am a week out from the incomparable Global Leadership Summit; when Bill Hybels spoke on the topic of legacy, I immediately thought of my late grandfather, Robert Amento who wrote: Want to be humbled? Ponder how the world will consider your legacy.

Leading with love takes commitment, perseverance, self sacrifice and above all, passion. Bill shared his philosophy on the four lenses of great leadership. On some level, we are all leaders. Each of us motivates, inspires and mobilizes others in some capacity, be it in our homes, communities or workplaces.

I felt the passion in my heart quadruple as I saw the many facets that are combined to create an effective leader. Leading with the passion in my heart must flow to every part of my life; this became abundantly clear after the leadership summit.