
What is Happiness Anyway?

My mother once told me, "Kari, you're never happy. You are always searching for something better or waiting for the greener grass." In that moment, I felt like I'd been turned upside-down and shaken until my deepest, darkest shortcoming fell out. And that shortcoming was staring me dead in the face. It was my very search for happiness that prevented me from ever being happy. But let us first examine this word. The Webster definition of happiness is: feeling pleasure or enjoyment because of your life, situation, ect. Dictionary.com says: delighted pleased or glad as over a particular thing.

Taking Flight: My Journey to Live a Passion-Driven Life

Last November, I watched Elizabeth Gilbert's SuperSoul talk, Flight of the Hummingbird. At the time, I had a well of passion burning in my heart that was not-so-patiently waiting to be unleashed with fury. These passions of mine were dying to live, yet I had no idea how to give them life. Liz's words took that passionate drive within me and gave me the courage to curiously embark on my own flight.

Live in Manual Mode

We often go through life on autopilot without ever questioning our motivations. The beauty of life is we have the ability to shift gears into manual mode. Manual mode is tough; the road is paved with unknown twists and turns and even bridges are missing that must be built.

Some people never turn on this mode because it is very tough to maneuver. With the option of auto, who would want to learn manual?

The Spiritual Riches of Experience

Sometimes the Universe makes it evidently clear where you need to be; in my personal experience, I am always led to the ends of the earth that will bring me closer to my true self (even if those places are a short flight away). There is a little-known town outside of Los Angeles called Ojai. The existence of this spiritual retreat remained unbeknownst to me until my lovely Airbnb host in Hawaii brought it to my awareness. As we discussed her past life career as a screenwriter, she mentioned a retreat where Hollywood writers would go to clear their mind and reconnect to their spiritual self (thereby giving their writing a major boost of creativity).

As a writer and spiritual seeker, my interest was more than piqued. I know better than to ignore the nudge of the Universe, and after a quick bout of research, I booked a ticket to this quiet town. The Topatopa Mountains, Kuyam treatments of the Chumash Native American Indian tribe, energy vortexes, home of the late Krishnamurti—I soon saw why my soul is called to the spiritual valley.