Give God the Remote

Give God the Remote

We keep trying to take the remote control back from God, from the natural order of the universe. We fluctuate between channels, changing from fear to love and back to fear again. We can’t possibly deal with the patience it takes to handle the channel of love, to sit with the unknown nature of living there, so we restlessly return to fear.

Befriending Feelings

Befriending Feelings

When uncomfortable feelings come to visit like loneliness, sadness, grief or frustration, they are asking to be let in, known and felt. They want and need our attention, so we can experience the benefit of our feelings. They are arising, trying to be known, so they can show up, be felt and get the heck out of dodge (aka our bodies).

Teaming Up With God

Teaming Up With God

Faith, trust and expectation of God’s power, goodness and blessings surely sets the stage for miracles. By going it completely alone, we lose out on Divine access to endless support around us. It’s as if we are on the court playing against a team of opponents (let’s call them “life”) and we are trying to score. We could call in God and a team of Angels to assist us, but we may feel it’s entirely on our shoulders to get the ball in the basket.

Practicing Self Care

Practicing Self Care

I’m still mastering the art of self care. I always will be. It’s a lifelong lesson to love myself and put this practice in the forefront of my life. Today, I was lying down to take a break (self care win). I had three options for the evening: door 1: yoga, door 2: continue to rest and door 3: 12 step study at church.

Lying there, I asked myself which option I’d like to choose. My body said more rest but my mind said yoga. Even though yoga is something I never regret doing, oftentimes my body needs to rest (even more than I already had).

Even so, I rushed out of the house to get to yoga in time. Three minutes into my drive, I remembered this yoga class is on Monday and Wednesday. It was Tuesday. Not only did my body need to rest, but my mind needed a break too.