Synchronicity is this interesting, funny-sounding word that was created by Carl Jung. And what he meant by it was those times in your life when something appears to be a coincidence but you know that there is more to it than that. There is more than just a random coincidence involved. There is meaning, there is purpose, there is power behind it.
—Gary Zukav
As I have learned to tap into my intuition as of late and listen to the deep secrets in my soul that one can only hear when you have quieted your mind, I have discovered my favorite word: synchronicity. I have always been a believer that moments and events can carry meaning, but it’s only in the recent past that I have truly gained the understanding behind the mysteries of the universe. The way I have opened my heart this year, and the lengths at which I have gone to truly listen to my soul has revealed blessing upon blessing.
My dear teacher told me, “There are no coincidences in life.” As I contemplated that philosophy, it resonated more and more with my heart. The journey I have been on since January of this year has laid out the brick and mortar to my true awakening. Had I not allowed myself to fall back on my faith, I’m certain I wouldn’t have been willing to take those blind leaps. But, every single time I did, I got a nudge that the step was indeed in the right direction. I call these “God nudges.” It is simply the universe’s way of tapping me on the shoulder as if to say, “Hey, you are on the right path.”
This is where synchronicity comes into play. When I am tuned into my authentic self and empowering my true soul to shine, I can easily allow my intuition to run wild. It is at this point that I can appreciate the deeper meaning behind seemingly insignificant occurences. I can recognize the meaning or depth behind my life experiences. I can trust that I am taking the steps in the direction that suits my highest self.
Opening your heart is the one thing you must do to release your intuition. It takes falling to the shadow side of yourself. It takes seeing and feeling the darkness of a broken heart. It requires rising from the ashes with resiliency and humility realizing you were meant to fall so that you could rise to your potential. I am writing this from my heart, from the truth I have gathered in the wreckage of my own life deterioration.
The work you must do to open your heart to the truth you are meant to discover is crushing and debilitating, but the light that lingers on the other side is worth every dark and lonely night spent battling your soul. You must accept the grief, pain, loneliness, yearning and sadness in your heart. Once you do, you have to feel every bit of the emotions they uncover. The energy spent in doing this will soothe your soul and break open your heart to your full potential. Before you know it, you’ll emerge with a store of energy that once was burdened by the suffering you refused to listen to.
There is nothing more whole than a broken heart.
—Menachem Mendel of Kotzk
The opportunity to repair your heart and open to the vastness of your soul is not only a gift, but the purpose behind your suffering. At the point in which you have healed your heart and awakened to the meaning and blessings in your life, you have welcomed the universe to reveal all that you were closed off to. This is where the simplicity of synchronicity comes into play. Suddenly, the open place you have carved into your heart reveals a multitude of blessings. You see the meaning behind seemingly meaningless events and each of those events empowers you to take the next step on your journey.
The universe wants to be on your side. God wants you to press on faithfully until you are living your highest purpose. The next time something appears on your feed, or a friend invites you to an event, or someone smiles at you for the sixth time at your favorite cafe, go, heed the call. Put yourself out there and be open to whatever comes your way. Be your own cheerleader in life. Repeat to yourself whatever truth you are too frightened to trust. Today, and everyday, that truth is “Live in Love.” Trust that your life is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to.