
Stick With Love

As we honor the great Dr. King, remember your path will always accelerate by choosing love. Carrying around baggage of hate, resentment or anger is far too heavy a burden for your heart to manage. Lighten the load by forgiving yourself first, then others. Release your emotions via whichever healthy method you prefer: prayer, meditation, exercise, rest, journaling or any number of activities that lessen the load you carry.

The potential of a lighter heart is limitless. And remember to open up to receive love as well. It is often a remedy simply to connect with others in laughter or even tears if you feel like releasing that way.

By giving our heavy emotions attention either in our own heart or with trusted companions, this focus alone is the first step to healing.

And the Time Came


“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

—Anaïs Nin

This is my favorite quote in the entire world which is a bold statement because I collect quotes by the bucketload.

Anaïs Nin’s words spoke to me deeply at the beginning of this year. Now that 2015 is coming to an end, I’ve blossomed in unexpected yet beautiful ways. But to say that this is the end of my journey to self discovery is far from the case.

In my mind, life is truly beginning because I have learned to embrace all of life and live wholeheartedly. It is as if the fearful weight I carried around kept me from really seeing the beauty in everything the world has to offer.

I love unconditionally, laugh uncontrollably and feel negative and positive emotions without hesitation. I believe life is meant to be lived with an open heart and all that comes with this state of being.

Being in touch with my true self has allowed me to see the potential of all that is possible. 2016 will be an experiment in manifesting the intuitions that 2015 unleashed. I will be sharing my experience on my blog in hopes of inspiring you to blossom.