10 Ways to Manage Depression

10 Ways to Manage Depression

Covid-19 caught nearly all of us by surprise, leaving us ripped of our routines, schedules and normal circumstances — everything we typically rely on for stability and consistency. If we weren’t already prone to or struggling with depression, COVID-19 certainly stirred up prime circumstances for depression to show up (many of us without any prior experience with mental illness or the coping skills to deal with it in healthy ways).

Worry: The Joy-Stealer

Worry: The Joy-Stealer

Not all worries are created equal. For instance: “Will I be able to feed my family for the week” or “Will I lose my job now that they’ve cut costs significantly?” These worries, while not helpful, are warranted; they also keep us on our toes so we become vigilant against our fears (by resourcing ourselves against perceived threat).



Last August, I accepted a contract design position with a reputable company. But deep down I knew it was the wrong decision. I had quickly said yes before I stepped back in order to evaluate why I was taking the job. I had already lined up an interview with a teaching placement agency after completing redoing my resume to reflect my new career direction: teaching.

On Suffering

On Suffering

When we aren’t happy with our current situation we will float back to a time that was more acceptable, enjoyable or pleasing to our mind or skip forward to a future that would be more acceptable, enjoyable or please to our mind. That is to say because our mind doesn’t like suffering.