
Finding Gratitude Under the Super Moon Eclipse

Do you remember what was happening last September? Do you remember the last lunar eclipse? I know I do. The powerful energy of today's Full Moon eclipse settled into my bones this week causing me unease and discomfort. But as I grounded through my root chakra at yin yoga, I remembered how necessary grounding and gratitude is in our life.

The landscape back in September set me on a journey that delivered me to where I am now: on the brink of major change in my life. I couldn't have known then what would unveil over the last six months, but the view I see now is extraordinarily beautiful yet unsettling at the same time. I am changing careers to follow my calling as a healer and spiritual coach.

God has prepared me for this season of my life by instilling deep and unwavering faith and trust in my heart. I am a believer that where there is faith, there has to be trust. We cannot feel safe taking each step toward our dreams without some semblance of peace knowing it will work out; it has to work out, right?

As much faith as I embody, I struggle with fear on a daily basis. I question. I doubt. I waver. This is normal, and I have learned to be gentle with myself and my Ego. I thank it for sending me flares, but firmly announce that I am choosing faith.

I have determined a recipe that works for me; I focus on the single step needed today to keep moving toward my goals. I hold the bigger picture in my heart, but I do not ponder the details. The next step is on our hands; the rest is in God's hands, so why worry over something that is out of our control?

The last two weeks served as a gateway to the future we dream of, and so it wouldn't be surprising to me if any of us are also experiencing tumult in our lives. This is thanks to the Lunar eclipse on March 8 in addition to the last six months. I set several intentions over that Lunar eclipse (New Moons are the time to set goals for the new beginning of the lunar calendar), but I knew this time, I would be setting intentions that would alter the course of my life.

Now that the Super Moon is here and manifestations of our intentions and desires are creeping in, I am more ready than ever to step into the new phase of my life. But what I am learning is that anticipation of the future is blocking me from being present in the now. I am reminded of this more than ever when the Moon is closest to the Earth in all its splendor and I want to run for the hills.

Two of my wisest friends served me a giant platter of reality today: that without being grounded in the present moment through gratitude and stillness, I will not be able to welcome the beautiful blessings and manifestations coming into my life. We cannot attract more blessings into our life when we aren't already grateful for our present moment and the circumstances tied to it.

So, even though this Moon had me crippled in self doubt and unease, it brings with it far better silver linings. While manifestations are rising up with a roar, I am going to focus on the now.

I want to step into my calling fully; there's nothing more I would rather do. But for right now, I am grateful for the life I lead today; I am grateful for how this Eclipse cycle has carried me into the new horizon of my life; and I am grateful for the lessons that fill me with wisdom and grounding.

We cannot control the future. The past is over. All we ever have is this moment. We can choose to waste it over worry or embrace it with love and gratitude. The choice is ours.