On January 26, 2014 my world was turned upside down when I received shocking and devastating news. My 27-year-old sister, Kali, discovered she has three brain tumors. After immediate surgery to remove the largest tumor and perform a biopsy, the results we never wanted to hear were delivered. Her tumors were in fact malignant glioblastomas - grade 4.
You cannot imagine how news like this will change your life in an instant. Suddenly, your problems and trials seem much less significant. Overnight, life takes on a new meaning with an underlying sense of urgency. You see, Kali just got married seven months ago to the love of her life and best friend, Chris Youngblood. They could not have fathomed that their new marriage would be tested in this way. Luckily, Kali is an extremely strong person (both mentally and physically), and has an incredible attitude. Her husband and rock keeps her smiling through every moment.
Kali has made a choice to kick cancer's ass and beat this thing against all odds. She has an incredible support system of family and friends. Her community in Billings, Montana has rallied to raise awareness and funds for Kali's treatment. The love, kindness, generosity and prayers from people around the world has been incredibly humbling for Kali and keeps her uplifted and filled with positivity and hope. Elizabeth Lesser shares a touching insight in her book, Broken Open. She explains the affect that the dire situation with my sister can have on our hearts.
"...that we are sent here to love each other and to help each other - that our lives are about each other. All of our other plans fly out the window in such moments of awakening. Plans for great things are replaced by the greatest thing of all, which turns out to be love, in its simplest, most tender, most personal form."
The outpouring of love has surely touched Kali's heart. Cancer cannot break her positive spirit, but it does do one thing. It awakens all those touched by its wrath and breaks open our hearts if we allow it to work through us. Kali's diagnosis has given me a very real dosage of reality and a fervor for life. What truly matters is brought to the forefront: how we express our love for those we care about. Life's many distractions and diversions no longer serve the purpose they used to. We cannot deny what significance our lives have or the power our love holds. We cannot know what lies ahead on our journey, but we can certainly relish in each moment we are blessed with and love with every ounce of our heart. I was touched deeply by an excerpt from Mary Oliver's poem, "The Summer Day:"
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
If I have learned one thing from the past few months, it is that we are sent to this Earth to grow. We are called to grow in our capacity for love, kindness, forgiveness, awareness, understanding and tolerance. Everyone is fighting their way upstream, so let us put our ego aside and go with the flow of the blessed life God has given us.
I am fighting this battle with Kali. God knows I wish I could fight for her, but I can love her and send her positivity every step of the way. If you would like to support Kali in her fight, please visit her GoFundMe page to donate or just leave positive words of encouragement. Every little bit helps.
To donate to a local cause that is raising money for brain tumor research, visit Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research's page.
Watch HBO's latest Vice episode, Killing Cancer, here. I am eternally grateful for the research these doctors are doing to save lives.