Free Yourself and Forgive Freely

When we choose to withhold forgiveness, a gamut of negative emotions breed within us.

We wallow in shame, wade in blame, get lost in regret, boil with anger and wrongfully believe we are the righteous one.

If we choose to seek forgiveness (especially toward ourselves), we could let go of the negativity that is harming our health and wellbeing. This release allows love, compassion, understanding, tolerance, acceptance and serenity to infiltrate our being.

Forgiveness doesn't take a lot of effort, but it does take a shift from fear to love. It takes but a moment to decide that breeding hatred, resentment or shame is a poor way to live.

When we understand that love is the only worthwhile way to relate to one another and ourselves, we let the power of those lesser feelings fall in the face of forgiveness.

It is always a matter of seeing through compassionate eyes and knowing that each of us is doing the best we can with what we have. If we show anything less than love, it's because we are hurting deeply inside.

What if instead of feeling anger or resentment when we are shown less than love, we were to reveal compassion instead? Surely what we need more of in this world and in our hearts isn't anger or blame, but tolerant, unconditional love. And I can guarantee if someone hurts us, they need love more than anyone.

The person who understands that the most loving and compassionate thing we can do for both parties is to forgive, understands love at its deepest core.

Our ability to forgive is directly tied to our ability to love; the more love we have in our own hearts, the more willing we find ourselves to extend that love to others.

So forgive freely and with ease knowing that love is always the answer to any problem.