
Dream It, Feet It, Expect It

In honor of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's 76th Birthday today (Happy Birthday, Wayne!), I felt compelled to share his wisdom on manifestation. Dr. Dyer is one of the great Ascended Masters who lives long beyond his Earth years, as his Infinite Love, wisdom and teaching will continue to touch our world for centuries to come. Dr. Dyer is the first truly Spiritual being and teacher that I discovered along my path; my dear cousin gifted me two of his books, Your Sacred Self and There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem. I now own almost every one of his books. I vehemently suggest his work; he is a Master of the Spirit, and his teaching will change your life (it absolutely changed mine).

His equally-brilliant podcasts are re-aired on Hay House Radio; I stumbled upon a topic I have grown to understand and implement: the Law of Attraction and manifestation. The philosophy behind this principle can (and will) change your life. Dr. Dyer breaks it down so that this Universal law is easily understood and implemented.

You have a dream. We all have a dream. And while our dreams take tenacity, faith and hard work to manifest, there is another way to put your dreams on the fast-track to manifestation:

Dream it. Feel it. Expect it.

-Wayne W. Dyer

This three-step process is how Wayne breaks down the enactment of the Law of Attraction. As the law states, like attracts like (everything, including ourselves, is made of energy); our thoughts, focus and intentions influence our every experience in life.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

-Wayne W. Dyer

Dream It

If we believe our dreams are some far-off reality that is not attainable, we must change our beliefs, thoughts, attitude and focus around the subject of our wildest dreams. Remember, energy flows where intention goes. The first step to super-charging our dream is to believe in the power of our ability to manifest it through empowered thoughts. So goes the saying, "if you believe it, you can achieve it."

Feel It

Once we have applied positive thoughts, beliefs and intentions around our dreams, we must act (aka "feel") as if the dream we wish to fulfill is already here. This is the absolute KEY to manifestation.

The beauty of our mind is we cannot differentiate between imagination and reality. If we think with every ounce of our being how it would feel to be living that dream—being with the love of our life, working our dream job, attaining well-being and health, discovering the next big solution to the energy crisis or whatever our heart desires—and then embody the mindset that we are currently fulfilling our wishes, our mind, body and spirit will pick up on these cues (with the Universe following).

Our energy levels will rise just by thinking and feeling in this manner, and soon, we begin to attract every situation, possibility, person and tool we need to manifest our dreams. All the Universe knows is the output of energy we signal to it. Which in turn, sends us on the direct path to fulfilling our dream, because the Universe already thinks we have achieved it.

Consistency is Key

Dr. Dyer presses the importance of continually re-establishing the feeling of achieving our dreams; we do this by staying in the "I Am" state and by expressing gratitude for fulfilling our dreams daily. We can thank our Higher Power and the Universe for sending us all we need to unfold our dreams.

I use the power of mantras to stay in the "I Am" state of being:

  • I am powerful beyond measure.
  • I am a (insert term here).
  • I am Universally connected.
  • My dreams matter.
  • I matter.
  • I am successful.
  • I am enough in this moment.
  • I am fulfilling my destiny.

By affirming we are already fulfilling our dreams and then grounding ourselves in the present moment with gratitude, we begin to attract magic into our lives.

Negating Negativity

It is easy to get caught up in what is not in our life or how far we must go before achieving our dreams or goals; this thinking is what keeps us from believing in our own power and soul's purpose. Gratitude keeps our attention focused on what is rather than what is not; this allows our thoughts and energy to stay positive.

By being grateful for all we are/do/achieve in this very moment, we bring more of what we desire into our lives (including opening doors which lead us closer to fulfilling that dream).

Expect It

Lastly, and certainly most importantly, we must, MUST, expect our dream to manifest into fruition. The power of our thoughts, both subconscious and conscious, will directly impact our ability to fulfill our dream.

This goes hand in hand with our beliefs. Continue to check in with your beliefs, especially when that pesky Ego starts to speak self-defeating thoughts in your mind. Counter this by sitting with your thoughts, and acknowledge your doubts or fears.

When we acknowledge our fears, we can take their power away by choosing to think with a mindset of love and empowerment. Turn that negative thought into a loving one (thereby raising the negative energy of our thoughts).

We are the ones who control the valve to our dreams; we enable our dreams by believing in ourselves, holding positive thoughts, feeling as if our dreams are already here, and then affirming this daily with mantras and gratitude.

Faith Through Action

Dr. Dyer's steps to manifesting our dreams are pivotal in achieving our dreams, but physical actions are required in seeing our dreams through. The magic of manifestation surely opens you to the flow of abundance, bringing you everything you need to fulfill your dreams. But unless we pass through those open doors, we cut ourselves off from the fruits of our manifestation.

This is a form of resistance (usually caused by fear), and it sends a direct signal to the Universe that shuts off the valve we worked diligently toward manifesting. We are called to act through faith; if we expect our dreams to come true, then we must believe each step we take is getting us that much closer to fulfilling them. Faith is taking the step without knowing where our leaps land, but believing wholeheartedly that we must take the step.

Faith is a tool I often use to stay grounded in the present (along with gratitude and affirmations). We are bound to become overwhelmed in the process of manifesting our dreams, which is why it is imperative to attain mindfulness along our path. Every faith-filled step gets us closer to the result we intend to achieve, so harness the confidence in knowing we can achieve anything we set our mind and heart to, one step at a time.

Dear One, you are powerful beyond measure. The dream you hold is placed on your heart for a purpose, and you are strong enough to manifest it into reality.