Since I added the affirmation, “Everything is always working out for my highest good” to my daily repertoire, I have seen such beautiful synchronicity unfold. Synchronicity that reminds me how beautifully the Universe orchestrates everything on my behalf (if I am believing this to be true).
This mantra affirms so many truths such as:
✔️ God has my back
✔️ I am deeply loved
✔️ My needs are provided for (ask and you shall receive).
✔️ My prayers are being answered
✔️ Everything is right on time
✔️ I am always in the right place at the right time
✔️ Every opportunity comes to me with ease
✔️ Blessings are on their way
✔️ There is a purpose to everything I experience
✔️ My God is a God of Divine order
Even when things don’t seem to be working out, it’s because certain aspects of our lives are being “rearranged” in order for our highest good to unfold.
The first step toward gaining a life of ease, grace and abundance is aligning with those truths by believing in them wholeheartedly.
Once we get in alignment with who we really are, learn who God is and realize how the Universe operates, we come home to new beliefs.
We will see ourselves as abundant, worthy, beloved, blessed children of God. We will understand the Universe takes no delay in rushing to support our every need and desire. With these beliefs in place, the real magic happens; we start to feel abundance, worthy, beloved and blessed.
Once we not only believe in the new truths but feel them in our heart to be true, The Universe will have no other choice than to reflect those beliefs by ensuring everything is always working out for our highest good. This is a fact, my dear friends.
Mantras such as this one help align us with the powerful truths that lie at our disposal. Once we wholeheartedly accept our God-given birthright to be abundant, worthy, beloved and blessed, we can begin challenging the limiting beliefs that hold us back from stepping fully into a life of ease, grace and abundance.
Affirm Your Truths
Mantras help us align energetically with our truths so we can own the beliefs that support our worthiness. By feeling the truth of who we are and how worthy we are deep in our bones, we invite magical things to happen.
Whatever your powerful truth statement may be, start affirming it daily with gusto and watch as your old beliefs start to lose momentum.
The truth is: God and the Universe want to support you fully by bringing you every person, opportunity and blessing that ensures everything is always working out for your highest good. The only thing standing in the way is you (and the false beliefs you’ve accepted as truths).
Testing Your Beliefs
What beliefs are holding you back from stepping forward confidently and accepting all the good that is coming to you? For me, it has always been feeling less than worthy of my true desires.
So, what is it that you truly desire? Affirm this by writing it down and sending an order form to God—asking for whatever it is you desire. Then let go of the outcome by simply affirming that whatever happens is for your highest good.
Affirmative Prayer
God, I affirm that everything is working out for my highest good right now. Thank you for ensuring my every heartfelt desire is answered by showing me where to go, what to do, what to say and to who. And so it is.