Say Yes to Life

When we turn our mind over to the positive and accept that life wants to work for our benefit, we turn on a switch for the Universe to work for us. 

The key to understanding this concept is realizing the Universe only knows how to respond to our energy. If we keep a negative mindset (and our Ego helps greatly with this), we will continue to see negative situations arrive. 

There is a Universal flow that is defined by abundance which we have a right to receive. I have been working to unravel the confines of the Ego on my faith-seeking path, yet no matter how much God intervenes in my life (and He does daily), I cannot attract the abundance I deserve until I deal with my mind's negative patterns. 

I finally saw how my self-sabotage blocked me from the universal flow of abundance. No matter how much I prayed or how many positive actions I took to back up my faith, I could only go so far as my mind allowed me.

That is because we have a subconscious that is ruling our life with negative beliefs, patterns and thoughts (and we don't even know it).  In fact, 95% of our mind is subconscious (i.e. Below the level of consciousness).

I nearly fell off my desk chair when my spiritual teacher advised me of this. I had done positive affirmations and mantras until I wanted to do cartwheels from all the positive neurons rushing to my brain. Yet, I struggled to get where I wanted to be: abundantly provided for. 

I am confident in my soul's purpose after a year of finagling with this idea or that passion, so I naively assumed that the abundance would be waiting for me. And on many levels it was. I feel more joy, happiness, purpose and fulfillment than I ever have. In short, I finally found the meaning in my life that always seemed to evade me. 

I also have a newfound relationship with God that sustains me with the faith that serves me well in the purpose God placed on my heart. I have been aware of energy laws like the Law of Attraction, which my angels conveniently continued to remind me of when my thoughts trailed off into the darkness Ego knows best. 

I then wondered why I still struggled to make ends meet. I determined it was not for lack of faith in my purpose or universal support, for I believe wholeheartedly that once we align with our soul's purpose, we are fundamentally supported by being in our right livelihood (the reason we came here in the first place).

When I encountered a free class on soul wealth from my favorite numerologist, happiness coach and angel intuitive, I leaped toward the chance to check it out. Kari Samuels gave me the solution I needed but hadn't been conscious of (which is a prime example of faith). I needed a solution to my blocks and God answered my prayers by sending me to Kari's class. 

Kari explained how subconscious beliefs, thoughts and patterns developed in early childhood (when our high-functioning, growing brain is a sponge) or from a past-life can block our natural state of abundance. I quickly attempted to keep up with the plethora of information that clearly solves my issues around financial abundance. 

Money has always been an undesirable nemesis of mine which I inevitably picked up from my childhood (and through the present, too). My environment was plagued by a mindset of lack and scarcity, so I grew up feeling there would never be enough money. And therefore that fear created the SOS signal to the Universe, "she will never have enough," so what do you think the universe did? It created scenarios to match my fears.

This is where Kari's method of energy healing saves me from my debilitating patterns not just from childhood but from past lives where my spiritual nature surely renounced material life through vows of poverty. I have worked on energy clearing for over a year now, but I still felt held back even after I discovered my life purpose and began to embrace it wholeheartedly. Kari heals energy on a soul level, while I have been working on a consciousness level. She aims to clear what we aren't conscious of by accessing our sub-conscious beliefs and past life karma.

As the call went on, I became aware of each way my hidden beliefs had blocked abundance from coming to me with ease. To clear the energies on a soul level, she called in my spirit guides, angels and akashic record keepers (who hold our soul's blue print) to replace the beliefs I released with new, high vibrational ones that support my highest self. Exhaling the stagnant energy from my body as she stated each hidden belief, I felt years of frustration and grief release from my being. It was as if the trash pick up came by to remove the garbage from my sub-conscious that held me back.

She explained