While pondering the character it takes to see the results I desire, God placed three D's on my heart. These traits have the power to transform situations; indeed they have provided magical results in my life. As you embark on a new goal, a lofty dream or even a new habit, apply the power of devotion, discipline and determination. This ensures that any action you take will be aligned with your most powerful intentions.
Devotion is doing something with all of your heart. When you devote yourself to something, you are coming from your heart space. There’s an almighty power that comes from your heart. God places dreams and aspirations on your heart; you can accomplish anything when you are partnering with God for he ensures you have everything you need to see your heartfelt dreams through.
“When you devote yourself to something, you are coming from your heart space.”
Every morning I devote my time to prayer and meditation. I put my entire focus and heart into this time with myself and God. And God sees that this time sets the tone for the rest of the day to be supercharged with focus on everything good.
This form of daily devotion with God keeps me grounded in the loving power and intention that transforms everything I do the rest of the day.
Whether you're worshipping, working, praying or playing, put your whole heart into your endeavors. God will see that your commitment and faithfulness ignites your efforts with the Divine assistance of miracles.
I see discipline in a different light than the traditional connotations that come with the formal definition of the word. There’s no punishment involved. Rather a loving form of self control is applied to an area of life or goal.
I use discipline to continually train my mind to turn toward positivity, love, optimism and the present moment. Without discipline, I’d fall back into to my old habits of worry, doubt and fear.
Discipline is the capacity to follow through on something consistently through positive, life-affirming behaviors in order to see desired results.
You cannot see different results if you use the same defeating thinking or behavior that led to your current experience. That is the definition of insanity: doing the same thing and expecting different results.
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
God desires for you to practice discipline which is essential for the training in whatever area you’d like to change.
As I traveled down my own spiritual path of transformation, God was ready to bless me with miracles right and left; the roadblocks I experienced were self-inflicted. My mind reverted to negative thinking so I couldn’t welcome the blessings coming to me. As God trained me to focus my mind on possibilities, positivity and presence, I could rely more heavily on the trust and faith that opened me up to receive the miracles He intended to send me.
I had to follow through consistently to transform my mind. As I did, I began to see the fruits of a renewed mind. God has all sorts of promises planned for you, but it takes discipline to prepare for a life defined by miracles.
Think of the one area in life that you desire different results in. Envision this result and feel the excitement and anticipation of when you reach it.
There’s endless possibilities for transformation if you can follow through with consistency. God is waiting to show you the next step and the step after that until you get to a new horizon. Each disciplined effort you take will be an act of faith—trusting that these actions will transform your life.
Determination is the mindset that says "I will keep going no matter what." Determination gives you the power to get back up time after time. It allows you to dig deep within until you return to the resolve that won’t let you give up.
There is a strength inherent in you that wills for whatever you desire and dream about. That strength comes from God. Through surrender, you can admit that you alone cannot keep going when circumstances become dreary. This moment of weakness and humility opens you up to the infinite power of God. Suddenly solutions arise because you’re no longer relying on your own strength, mind or resources. Answers arrive from the endless wisdom, abundance and opportunities that the all knowing mind of God has access to.
Have faith that if you follow through with your whole heart and make a disciplined, determined effort, you will see results you desire.
Let go of any attachment to when, how or what it will look like and enjoy the process. The becoming is as important as the goal; you’ll unveil a stronger, more powerful version of yourself that was always within you.
There isn’t anything you can’t do when you tap into your power with devotion, determination and discipline. Leave a comment below and let me know what you desire that the three D’s will make an impact on.