I have been in tizzy of turmoil the past few weeks as I pulled back on my reigns and halted my full-steam plans to reflect and reevaluate. I do not believe in coincidences, and I am certain that the timing of Mercury Retrograde (and four others) was Divinely timed in order for me to slow my perfectionistic roll and surrender to what was moving through me and around me. I discovered if I eased into the very tumultuous energy by surrendering with grace, this time could work in my favor, if only I let go. The art of letting go is one I am still trying on for size as my nature is to hold tightly to control. But as fate would have it, I discovered I was approaching my Ego and need to hold on all wrong. I have started to embrace my heart in a way that allows it to lead the way I live through decisions, thoughts, feelings and actions, but that what truly shook me awake is the notion of embracing fear.
I can embrace love until I sing to my heart's content (and I do frequently), but until I work with fear by acknowledging it and allowing a healthy partnership with Ego to blossom, the patterns, beliefs, thoughts and doubts would still linger in the depths of my being. Sure I can pile on love, and I do, but piling love onto fear raises the vibration of those negative energies, but it cannot extinguish them.
Fear-based patterns and belief systems are ingrained in our psyche from a very early age, and we carry them with us for the remainder of our lives unless we make the conscious choice to do something about them. Luckily, as a being of Love with a large amount of faith and trust, I was Divinely guided to the tools I needed to begin to work with my fears rather than bury them away from sight.
Two profoundly wise women came into my path simply by my intentions being set (and sent out to the Universe) to embrace my true self by further deleting old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve my Higher Self.
Nina Cashman appeared on Profit Boss Podcast to share how to rewire your mind for wealth by reviewing the patterns and beliefs around money that we unconsciously pick up from our parents (or other influential adult). Once you bring awareness to these beliefs (and recognize the patterns throughout your life they cause), you empower yourself to choose new money beliefs that fit your true self, based on your self worth and confidence.
Possibly the most valuable thing I have learned (aside from choosing to embrace new beliefs), is that money is merely energy. As I wrapped my mind around that concept, I saw how it truly fits my newly adopted beliefs around energy, the Law of Attraction and manifestation. Christie Marie Sheldon, an intuitive coach and medium, taught a seminar on clearing abundance blocks (aka belief systems) that prevent us from fully stepping into a life of love, abundance, purpose and joy. Her Love or Above program is in complete alignment with every step I have taken to get to a higher vibration of love (which leads me to wonderful role models such as herself) in order to step into my purpose with confidence and clarity.
While uneasiness stirred my soul, I began to feel empowered in my ability to surrender. And as soon as I did, solutions and tools came right to my doorstep. I didn't have to struggle or hold on with a hulk-like grip; I simply had to leave the how to God. The more I trust that my path is unfolding with ease and grace, the more blessings land in my lap. I am a firm believer that when we align with love through intention, the Universe does everything in its power to deliver exactly what we need to move forward with confidence.
As I sat with my fear and had a heart to heart with it, I saw that many of my decisions were actually based in fear. I became comfortable with saying yes to my dreams, yet I slipped back into my perfectionistic tendency to control the outcomes. I know I am living in my purpose and choosing a career that wholeheartedly honors my truth and Divine gifts, but my Ego said "you're not enough. You cannot move forward until you do this, this and this."
And that negative self-talk was causing me to seek every training, certification, and seminar under the sun, so that I could finally be ready to step into my calling. I forged ahead with these plans without trusting in God's plan for me. I began to use my fear self to determine the how, rather than trust that I am ready in this moment. I am enough just as I am. Every message the Universe sent my way had told me to move ahead without delay. I had every sign tell me I am ready to fulfill my spiritual life purpose as an intuitive empowerment coach, yet I was frozen with fear. Instead I signed up for school full time and started planning my additional certifications.
Right around the time that school began, I got the intuition to stop and re-evaluate. In my fear-ridden haze of moving forward, I was Divinely led to hear the forecast for May's energy; and I finally sat still long enough to hear my heart. And the beauty of the heart is it always signals exactly what we need to feel (as our heart can separate somewhat from the fear-based thoughts in our mind).
Honoring my heart led me to slow down and truly listen to my true feelings. I could not do this if I continued my perfectionistic drive to be more than enough. And so with a fully-fledged website ready to launch my business and simultaneously go to school full time while working part time, I said enough already.
I took off my self-doubt hat and donned a much more fitting perspective: loving awareness (and the confidence I desperately needed to try on for size). And in that space of awareness I saw that my need to improve myself was denying what I strive for (and preach) daily: self acceptance and steadfast faith. And when I remember to surrender, miraculous moments ofsynchronicity start sprouting with chilling reminders that we are never alone in this world. We are always supported.
My wonderful friend, Traci, guided me to an intuitive business coach that dissolved my debilitating mindset and allowed me to see just how powerful my story is:
There is power in your story. No one else can own who you are or take your identity away from you. Choose to use your gifts for good, and the Universe will repay you grandly.
-Karilyn Owens
As I learn to sing my sacred song and embrace my purpose on this planet as the full expression of my whole heart, I have slowly fostered the confidence I need to press on, not with certainty, but with grandiose faith: faith in my gifts, faith in my ability to inspire and affect change in the hearts of others and faith that if I continue to even crawl toward my calling, I will surely see miracles bloom along my path.
As the light of the Full "Flower Moon" began to brighten the summer nights, and my sensitive soul started to rumble with that same feeling of uneasiness, I was humbly reminded in my dear friend, Lisa Groves' yin class (my saving Grace each Full Moon) that I have already done the work to manifest my dreams; I have planted my seeds of intention since the beginning of this year.
Think of your body as an ancient stone temple, with flowers growing all around it. Everything you have imagined every intention you have set every seed you have planted is now blooming all around you. No desire to be anywhere else, just right here, right now. Grounding down, but everything you have planted rising up.
-Lisa Groves
The reassuring tone of Lisa's voice and the wisdom behind her words sent a shiver of realization down my spine:
So maybe for today, just as best you can, allow yourself to be right here, right now. Grounded to the earth. Not worried about what to do next. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do except be right here, right now.
-Lisa Groves
As I relaxed into this feeling, I felt waves of anxiety and overwhelm dissipate from my mind, which is why you will always find me at Lisa's yin class every Full Moon. Because my need to do and accomplish and excel and grow is never ending (which is why I'm able to set fire to my dreams through persistence and hard work), this soul of mine, the one I've come to know so intimately, simply needs to be. And breathe. And surrender. Thank you, Lisa, for always serving your yogis with the supreme dose of stillness our hearts need. You are everything. And I adore you to no end.
And so this very tired yet hopeful soul is resting (and writing clearly) under the majesty of the Full Moon. And I'm thanking my lucky stars, Angels and Spirit Guides for leading me faithfully to this moment; one that I can just be knowing I planted my seeds and now I am sprouting into my true self. One that knows I am enough. I am always enough.
Aside from being a Godsend of a yoga teacher (follow her on Facebook for her class schedule), Lisa has recently written a book, Off the Beaten Path: a Guide to Abuse Recovery © 2015. Learn more about her story below.
Lisa Groves, JD, is a former trial lawyer, a yoga teacher, and the Founder + President of I’ve Been Meaning to Write LLC, a boutique marketing and publishing firm.
Lisa holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree, Undergraduate Degrees in Journalism and Women’s Studies, and a Teaching Certificate in Yoga Practice and Philosophy.
Herself a victim of physical violence, Off the Beaten Path: a Guide to Abuse Recovery © 2015 is Lisa’s most recent work of nonfiction and journey through abuse recovery (www.lisagroves.com/book.html)
Lisa resides in Scottsdale, Arizona with her husband, Dr. LtCdr. Paul Bloomquist and daughter Madeline Mary.