Be The Light

My sweet boy, Nova, has always been drawn to the sun; he has an uncanny ability to seek out light wherever it may be. His pastime of sunbathing reminds me of the lesson I have been working to master as of late: be the light. Yesterday at CorePower, Aubrey set our intention of "be the light," which I excitedly affirmed for my own practice. Not only do I strive to seek out the light in dark, troubling times, but I now choose to be a light unto those who cannot see it themselves.

What is the point of cultivating light and love in our lives if we do not share it with others?

I recently listened to a webinar with Neale Donald Walsch which clarified the very spiritual lesson I have decided to own as my calling: shine light into the darkest of places for those who need it most. I am blessed to be able to discern the positive nature of any situation (although this was not always a practice of mine).

Neale has an unbelievable story which led him to have a candid conversation with God. He went through a period of homelessness, failing health and solitude that would leave most people with little to no faith. But he would eventually discover the ability to see the light buried beneath the ruins of his life.

Neale broke down one day and asked God to help him understand the darkness surrounding him. God quickly answered with, "How would you know you are the light without darkness?"

In order to know yourself as the light you came into the world as, you must experience darkness to use it so that you may know who you really are.

-Neale Donald Walsch

I may not be experiencing trials to the degree of homelessness and I am blessed to be able to feed myself, but I am enduring a period of my own trials. The challenges of a spiritual life led me to master the essence of faith. I may not have endless funds in the bank, but I do have the riches of a life filled with faith. I trust I am being called into spiritual service; in light of that I am challenged to learn many lessons, best of which is to be the light.

If I cannot see the divine sources of light in my life, I certainly cannot help others see their own.

So I am here to help you find the light in your own life by way of gratitude. We mustn't curse our challenges but bless them because of the growth that is fostered through tough times.

Without darkness in our lives, we could not appreciate the good; without challenges, would could not know who we truly are and just how magnificent and capable we are. Without obstacles, we wouldn't know which direction we truly want to take.

Ultimately, darkness leaves us with one choice: succumb to the circumstances or rise to the light.

Finding the light is often a challenge in and of itself, but it's meant to be difficult. It is meant to mold us into who were are. We don't learn nearly as much about ourself when the going is good; the easy road doesn't bear as many fruits as the path toward our highest self does.

So it is my honor to be a light unto the darkness, and I am eating up every lesson sent my way. I choose to to be source of light through my own experiences so you, too can recognize silver linings in your own life.

Know that whatever experiences are occurring in your life are for your highest good (even if you must experience pain because of them). God is simply preparing you to see what He already sees and knows in you: Divine light and perfection.