Core desires worksheet

I am thrilled to guide you as you dig into your core desires and bring them to life! Prior to your first session, please complete this worksheet to get intimately acquainted with your goals and dreams. I suggest getting grounded in a quiet place before asking yourself the following questions:

Please submit your answers at least 24 hours before your first session.


are you listening?

The life you are meant to live is waiting for you. Take this survey to unleash your soul's true nature—where your authentic truth resides and freedom awaits.

  1. Do you feel trapped by your current life circumstances?

  2. Does your life feel like a movie that you don't belong in?
  3. Do you feel like you're living a someone else's life at times?
  4. Do you dream of writing a script that allows you to star in a new role with a different ending?
  5. Do you take care of others' needs above your own?
  6. Do you wish you had time and energy to devote to your own needs and wants?
  7. Do you please others to feel needed, valued or accepted? Does this make up for the emptiness you feel inside?
  8. Do you avoid large groups of people or attractions because of the overwhelming anxiety it causes?
  9. Does your anxiety prohibit you from leading the life you desire?
  10. Do you feel responsible for the wellbeing and happiness of others to the point that you try to "fix" their problems?
  11. Does your energy level suddenly drop after you've been around draining people or large groups?
  12. Do you ever feel weird sensations that come on suddenly, but you don't have any idea where they came from?
  13. Do you feel an overwhelm of emotion that you do not know how to handle (much less face)?
  14. Do you fear the weight of your feelings?
  15. Do you bottle up your emotions and turn to unhealthy habits to cope with it all?
  16. Do you know there's so much more to life beyond the walls of your current experience?
  17. Do you want to explore a new direction in life but feel lost as to where to start?
  18. Do you want to reduce your suffering: stress, confusion, frustration, worry, fear, doubt and obsession?
  19. Do you feel as if you're simply surviving?
  20. Do you find yourself unable to live in the moment—obsessing over the past or fretting over the future?

If you said yes to any of these questions, your soul is speaking to you.

Do you wish to tap into the voice of truth—the seat of your soul— that connects to your Higher Self?

Do you seek a safe, empowering space to explore your intuition, dreams, fears and limitations?

Are you ready to take inspired action based on your truth and explore the authentic, fulfilling life you aspire to live?

Are you ready to learn healthy coping techniques, boundaries and other self care methods that drastically increase your vitality, joy, passion and ease? Are you ready to embrace healthy changes in mind, body and spirit?

Are you ready to follow your soul's higher calling, live a life of purpose, reconnect to the love that lives within you, deepen your spiritual connection, find peace, presence, freedom and fulfillment?

Are you ready to radically accept the circumstances of your life and reveal the hidden blessings behind every situation?

Are you ready to create a self love that is sustainable and deeply satisfying?

Are you ready to renew your depleted spirit and reconnect to your inherent vitality, power, abundance and joy?

Do you want to deepen your inner knowing and determine your next step in life?

Is your inner voice whispering yes, yes YES to these questions?

Chances are you are an empath: a highly sensitive person that absorbs the energies and emotions of those around you (and even the collective world's energies). This unique quality is a gift given to you for your life purpose, but it can be a burden without the necessary tools to manage it.

I have been in your shoes. My name is Karilyn. I am an empath and highly sensitive person who suffered from many years of debilitating anxiety, stress and depression.

I, too, knew there was a whole new world waiting for me on the other side of the unfulfilling, frustrating life I'd been living. I knew there was so much more, but I was hopelessly stuck—held back by anxiety, self-perceived limitations, negative beliefs, low self-esteem and self-worth, confusion, frustration and unhealthy circumstances. After a journey to discover my authentic truth, I realized that I was different from other people. I needed a deep spiritual meaning to my existence and tools to cope with being so sensitive.

I am on the other side of self-discovery and have put tools into place for living free from anxiety, fear and limitation. I am proof you can overcome your limiting circumstances and experience the infinite nature of your true self.

Darling, life can and will get better. There is enjoyment, ease, satisfaction, fulfillment, clarity and joy waiting for you; it takes willingness to explore your authentic truth, go beyond the limitations of fear-based beliefs and apply assertive practices that set you free from the bondage of suffering. 

It is time to go within, to get intimate with who you are and let your truth set you free from all that holds you back from the life you are meant to live.

Trust that your soul knows answers that your mind cannot fathom. You hold the key to a rich, inspiring and passionate existence. I am here to serve you as your ally and confidante as you navigate the obstacles on your path to your Higher Self and true nature.

There is a better way. You do not have to suffer and you do not have to go through the confusion of your precious transformation alone.

I know it is certainly scary, but what is scarier is never seeking, never knowing and never answering those whispers within you. When life beckons, it is your duty to answer your heart and soul's call. You are put on this Earth to make manifest the glory of God within you, to pick up your lost Sparks of Light and reclaim your passion, power and purpose.

You are a spiritual warrior with an infinite amount of potential to follow your heart. It is time to surrender to all that is stirring inside your soul and embark on the spiritual path.

When you make genuine contact with your inner spirit, there is an inner joy, an inner peace, that takes over.
Michael Bernard Beckwith

Am I an Empath?

I struggled for most of my life because I was in the dark about who I am. With the knowledge of an important truth—being an empath—I gained the freedom that comes with this truth. Empower yourself by taking this short questionnaire. Chances are if you landed on this page, you are an empath, too. Find out below!

  1. Do you have an overwhelming desire to create an impact in the world?

  2. Do you often feel an overload of emotions—some of which seem to appear without any idea as to where they originated?

  3. Do you feel “responsible” for your loved one’s well being and happiness to the extent that you go out of your way to please (or even fix) them?

  4. Do you avoid large crowds due to the anxiety it causes you to experience?

  5. Do you feel a deep connection to all living things like nature or animals? Do animals and children feel naturally drawn to your energy?

  6. Are you known for being “too emotional or sensitive?”

  7. Do you feel deep pain when others are hurting (even when the collective world is hurting)?

  8. Do you have sudden drops in energy levels, going from a light high to a heavy low that leaves you feeling tired and sluggish?

  9. Do you often feel misunderstood for being different?

  10. Do you tend to hide aspects of yourself in order to fit in with the crowd?

So, you're an Empath. Now What?

If you answered yes to more than half of these questions, you are likely an Empath: a highly sensitive person who feels the emotions of other people. Knowing this truth about yourself will set you free—free to be the truly powerful spiritual being you are here to be!  

While it is important to understand that you have a beautiful role to fill on Earth, being an Empath carries great responsibility. There are special self-care measures that must be used in order to preserve your precious energy. This energy is vital for your own well-being and the purposes you came here to fulfill.

When you come face to face with this truth, you not only give your deepest desires space to be explored but you also come face to face with the barriers that threaten the life you came here to fulfill, a life full of freedom, joy, passion, meaning, vitality and purpose.

I am an Assertiveness Coach for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Women. I teach assertive practices in self care for your unique needs as an empath so you can show up for your life and calling with enough self-love, energy and vitality. 

If you are ready to honor this powerful truth and reclaim the freedom you deserve, I am here for you.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
— John 8: 32 (NIV)

messaging worksheet

In order to provide messaging that speaks to the intuitive feelings of your audience, you need to get to the heart of what you and your brand are about. Fill in this worksheet to create the key messaging points for your brand.

P.S. You are your brand—so you are just speaking from the heart in a way that engages your audience’s heart. If your messaging comes from your heart, you’ll appeal to theirs.

Please submit your answers at least 24 hours before your ideation session.