Word of the Year: Cultivate

In the past, I have had words find me — in a serendipitous manner with a lace of intuition. This year was no exception as my favorite poet and artist, Morgan Harper Nichols, created an Instagram Reel of suggested words for the year. A screenshot determined my word this year, but I am certain it was meant for me (even if it were a millisecond between my word and another).

Nothing in life is by chance, everything is working four our highest good: Romans 8:28 confirms it:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)

So, when I landed on Cultivate, and read the synopsis by the writer, it not only coincided with the word from last year and what I’d been progressing toward, but she mentioned the word itself: Bloom. A bit of magic dust descended upon me as I read the description in awe. “YES,” I thought to myself. “This is it!” A nudge forward toward what I intended last year and needed to keep moving in the direction of my highest good.

Fertile Soil

Blooming requires fertile soil. The growth I sustained last year was due to the soil I planted myself in through habits, intentions, goals and bondage-breaking. But when I wasn’t planted firmly in good, Godly soil to promote my blooming, I back-tracked.

God needed to remind me of the quality soil I was planting myself in and how I didn’t always cultivate the best soil throughout 2024 - when I backslid and didn’t do what was needed or obey God’s commands, Word and my own promises to myself. This is where Cultivate strides in serendipitously.

What is Cultivation Anyway?

In researching the word—the step I initially take when choosing a word, I overlooked the traditional definition for a moment to hone in on a Godly one. I found this definition in biblical terms:

  1. the act of returning to God, breaking up the soil of one's heart, and removing thorns (Source)

  2. the nurturing of physical and spiritual life often associated with diligence and stewardship (Source)

When we nurture both physical and spiritual life diligently, we cultivate the life God desires for us—one that is peace-filled, slow and surrounded by beautiful blooms.

I found cultivation requires receiving two things: A) nurturing care, B) love, C) support, D) compassion (from self and safe people) and E) self-care! When these ingredients are gathered into a mixture and cultivated intentionally, we tend to bloom best. And that is what I am trying to strive toward in 2025.

Prayer for Cultivation:

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.